Final day of packing. Tomorrow we fly out – hopefully

A panoramic view from the Southwest. To the left a row of parked sleds on hills and to the right the almost empty NEEM camp. Only three buildings remain: The dome and two garages.
It has been an unusual day. Outside, a group cleaned the camp area and packed the last items. Inside the dome, a group was busy cleaning the kitchen and the first floor. Everything was sorted and documented, and finally at 2100 the documentation was complete.
At dinner time the draught beer ran out. That must be due to very good planning – or something.
For lunch we had a taste of Greenland: Mattak, i.e. raw whale skin. And for dinner Sarah served lasagne with the last fresh vegetables which was coleslaw and carrots.
The plane is scheduled to pick us up tomorrow at about 1100, and we keep our fingers crossed that it will be successful.
What we have done today:
1. Cleaning in main dome.
2. Finished building 3 pallets. We need to put non freeze cargo on the fourth.
3. Pulled heavy sleds to hills, only tomato sled and generator sled remain to go.
4. Removing snow drifts from former weatherport positions.
5. Adjusting markers of balloon trench and closing it.
6. Inventory in main dome complete.
7. Finished documentation.
8. Parked Pistenbully and all equipment in carpenter garage. Garage is now closed.
9. Parked one Flexmobil in mechanic garage.
10. Took one toilet tent down.
Weather: - 9°C to -17°C. Wind: 5 m/s from S – SSE. Fine all day. After 2000 heavy fog.

At dinner Satow presents gifts to his camp fellows: Origami cranes symbolizing “peace” and origami samurai helmet symbolizing “strength”.
FL, J.P. Steffensen