Last scheduled plane in this period

Peter Packing: Peter is packing remaining items from the drill trench into boxes.
The packing down in the drill trench goes fast. Sunday until late and
Monday morning everybody was busy making as much cargo as possible ready
for shipment to Kangerlussuaq. When the plane arrived, camp had four full
pallets of cargo ready, and because the skiway is so good, the plane was
able to take off with everything.
Today was also the very last change in crew, as the drillers, Steff and Trevor left and Dorthe was replaced as Field Leader by J.P. Now we are 11 in camp and this is the last crew in the NEEM project.
Our task is to pack down remaining equipment on heavy sleds, make inventories and place the sleds on snow hills. When the packing is over, all that will be left is the dome (on skis), two garages for vehicles and loaded heavy sleds. In some years time, when we get funding for a new project, a complete ice coring camp is ready to be pulled to a new site by tractor train.
What we have done today:
1. Air sampling program
2. Received skier 21 and retro’ed four pallets with the drillers cabin,
weather port, scrap and empty drums.
3. Disassembled the drillers workshop and palletized it on the apron
4. Packed remaining drillers workshop tools and removed the last tables in
the drill trench.
Weather: -12°C to -7°C. Wind 4-11 kn from S turning to W. Overcast and
light snow.
FL, J.P. Steffensen