Wet games

Pit study: The team, Myriam, Alexandra and Satow, poses for the camera after completion of the pit study.
The ice block throwing competition was postponed, because the blocks were melting! Once again temperatures above zero Celcius were reached at NEEM.
Today has been foggy with little or no wind and warm. It was difficult to push snow for backfilling the drill trench and building the hill for the garage. The snow is wet and sticky.
At the pit study site, people could not drill a hand augered core because of a wet drill that immediately froze when put in the hole. Although is was relatively nice outside, we really wish for lower temperatures.
What we have done today:
1. Air sampling program
2. Completing snow hill for carpenter garage
3. Casing extended and drill trench backfilled
4. Working on inventory and documentation
5. Japanese pit study completed
Ad.5: A planned hand augered core from the bottom of the pit is postponed
due to high temperatures.
Weather:-12°C to +1°C. Wind 10 kn from S to calm. Fog all day. Temperature Monday evening at 2300: -1°C.
FL, J.P. Steffensen