First group arrives at NEEM on schedule

The put-in crew before departure from Kangerlussuaq
This year the put-in happened on schedule. Everything went fine and when
we came to camp, we noticed significantly less snow drift than seen in
previous years. The almost buried garages could be clearly seen and there was easy access to the sauna garage, the main dome and the red dome. There was also little snow drift in the cargo line.
Inside the main dome everything was on good order, and while temperatures in the lower levels were below freezing, the temperature in the top cupola was +11 °C.
Weather was cooperative and the wind became weaker as the day passed. The list of
tasks accomplished shows it. NEEM is now open.
What we have done today:
1. Departed Kangerlussuaq on Skier 95 at 09.55.
2. Landed at NEEM 12.30. Plane took off towards SE in first attempt at 13.00.
3. 15 kW backup generator started and powering main dome at 13.30.
4. Gained access to the two main garages with snow blowers.
5. Pistenbully started at 19.30 and at 20.30 main generator was powering camp.
6. Installed main snowmelter. Main snowmelter water supply now running.
7. Cleared out red dome.
8. Cooks snow melter was running at 22.30.
9. One toilet tent set up.
10.The two tomato cabins were set-up.
Weather: Clear all day. Temp. - 19 °C to - 21 °C, 25-16 knots from SE.
Visibility: to horizon.
We are now 11 NEEM’ers in camp.
FL, J.P. Steffensen

People carry personal luggage and cargo from the plane at the put-in

Snow blowerhard at work to gain access to the nearly buried garage