Put-in crew arrives in Kangelussuaq

People stacking boxes for loading on the plane
Today 7 NEEM crew members arrived in Kangerlussuaq from Copenhagen. We were received by our Field Operations Manager, Lars. Later in the afternoon the last 4 of our put-in crew of 11 arrived with the 109th from the U.S. At 19.00 we had a meeting with the deployment commander and agreed on a put-in flight tomorrow at 10.00 local time.
In the evening we arranged cargo and packed food and we were done at 23.00 and ready to go to bed.
Everything looks fine: The weather in Kangerlussuaq has been beautiful with sun from a blue sky and +11 °C. The weather forecast for NEEM tomorrow and the next few days looks fine so it is very likely we will fly in tomorrow.
The FOM office of NEEM in Kangerlussuaq is now open, and tomorrow by this time we hope to be able to say the same about NEEM camp.
Weather at NEEM from automatic weather station: Temp. -21°C to -26°C, 6-12 knots from SSE.
We are now 11 NEEM’ers and 1 FOM in Kangerlussuaq and no people in camp.

Sarah making tough decisions on what to bring now and what can wait
FL, J.P. Steffensen