A rainy day at NEEM

Last photographs of the once so busy science trench. The pictures are taken just before the last lamps and electrical distribution panel were taken down.
Today it rained at Noon. Most of the day temperatures have been over 0°C.
The snow surface is getting wet and sloshy, and some places small puddles
of water can be seen.
The science trench is now closed and tomorrow we will secure it and begin to back fill entrances, shafts and holes. Now there is only the test balloon trench under the surface. All remaining packing down and documentation activity is above ground from now on.
The water vapour sampling system has been dismantled and packed. Packing of
the Japanese aerosol sampling system is in progress. NEEM camp is shrinking and condensing, and we are on schedule.
What we have done today:
1. Aerosol and isotope sampling station closed
2. Closed science trench. Now totally empty
3. Service on vehicles and cleaning up in garages
4. Removed markers and cables South East of dome
5. Working on documentation and inventory
6. Washed windows on ground floor of dome
Ad.4: Most bamboo flags had to be pulled up with Caterpillar due to the
many melting and refreezing events.
Weather: -3°C to +1°C. Wind: 2 – 5 m/s from SSW. Overcast all day. Rain and snow showers.

At a temperature of +1 C, it was possible for Bo to wash the windows of the dome from the outside.

Driving around camp with our Caterpillar loader provided an unusual sight: Rain on the wind screen.
FL, J.P. Steffensen