4th of July

Gunnar being honored by Paul, Rune and Helle at the cleared submarine
Today was 4th of July so we planned an American meal with barbequed chicken, potato salad and blueberry pie.
Before dinner we continued the tasks of yesterday: moving snow from the roof of the drill trench and documenting, packing and removing equipment from the Carpenters Garage.
The shelves and the roof are empty, but we still have piles on the floor. We hope to have the garage empty by the end of tomorrow…
We had a good and happy evening with American music.
What we have done today:
1. Melted samples to be filtered
2. NEGIS: all well; Sunny, low winds, Good progress on seismic work, 1-2
days left of seismic work
3. Sorted, documented and packed in Carpenters Garage
4. Finalized clearing the drill roof around submarine (5m below the present
5. Celebrated 4th July with Sarah’s barbecued chicken
-18 °C to -5 °C. Wind 5 to 10 kn from S. Overcast with low clouds in the morning and lifting during the day.

People used to visualize the depth of the drill roof

Rune hauling equipment from the Carpenters Garage

Helle removing chains from Carpenter Garage to Mechanic Garage
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen