NEEM Drive-In Cinema features TRON

NEEM skidoo Drive-In Cinema
Saturday evening – the long waited fun time of the week. For the first (and probably only time) NEEM opened the skidoo Drive In Cinema.
The four skidoos rowed in front of the Cinema and when the doors opened drove into the cinema. After drinks and popcorn were served, the evening started with NEEM commercials for Swiss Miss, Cup of Noodles, Chile redwine, Zarges, Sorel, PistenBully and Sysco.
A very red cinema version of TRON (original from 1982) was watched before we all walked back to the Dome where a late dinner was served with lime prawns, filet with Swedish mushroom sauce and Italian eclairs. What an evening!
What we have done today:
1. Melted samples to be filtered
2. Air sampling program
3. NEGIS: all well; Low winds, Packing and recovering GPS stations
4. Unpacked and sorted sledge with mixed timber and casing tubes
5. Repair of shock absorbers on skidoo 4
6. Oil shift on PistenBully
7. Sorting and packing frozen food in science trench freezer
Ad 4: Casing tubes are moved and stored at the drill trench and snow and
ice is removed from the tubes in preparation of extending the borehole to
the present surface.
-15 °C to -4 °C. Wind 1 to 9 kn from SE turning to NW. Sunny morning turning to overcast.

Sorting timber on mixed timber sledge
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen