Fly Day

Runes boxes ready and packed.
Finally we have had a cold night and the snow surface is hard again. We were ready for ski operations and just need the ground fog to lift in the early morning.
The skier arrived and we said goodbye to Motohiro, Gunnar and Kasper. We will miss you! Hello to Sverrir, Steff, Trevor, Trine, Dean, Alan, Bryn – and welcome back to Sarah!
Few minutes after the skier was air born all were in activity unpacking fresh food,preparing lunch, setting equipment up for drilling, logging and seismic
monitoring. Really a good day in camp.
What we have done today:
1. Received Skier 21 with PAX and pallet
2. Air sampling program
3. Unpacked equipment
4. Reaming run of borehole
5. Monitoring of both seismic systems (GEUS station in science trench and GLISN
6. Setup of Bryns logger outside drill trench roof
7. Receiving fresh food
Ad 1: we received 3654 l of fuel from skier 21.
Ad 4: The drill was operational regardless of the showers of ice it has
received from the melt though the roof during the week. The reamer made it
down to the blocking stone and a mixture of sediments and ice was recovered.
Weather: -9°C to -2°C. Wind 0-10 kn from SW turning to WNW. Ground fog from midnight, lifting at 11:00 local, scattered overcast.

Celebration of Fly Day – a beautiful ice crystal and blue sky.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen