We got one more day before next flight

120 years time difference in technology meet on the Greenland ice sheet. A Nansen sled, developed by Fritjof Nansen 120 years ago is still king of the snow, and inside the tent a modern laser based spectrometer capable of on-line separation of water isotopes in atmospheric vapour.
Work progresses in a fine pace; but still everybody in camp is happy of getting an extra day for preparation before the flights.
The LC-130 going to NEEM has been postponed one day due to late arrival of cargo in Kangerlussuaq. Also the German Polar 6 has been delayed because of bad weather in South Greenland.
Here at NEEM weather is still perfect and we are enjoying every minute. Now we just hope it will hold a little longer so we can get the scheduled aeroplanes up here. This week we are expecting three! We have put a lot of effort in grooming the skiway, and we hope it will be in good shape for the planes.
What we have done today:
1. Tested winch and tower at deep hole in preparation of logging.
2. Finished installing beds, mattresses and heating in weatherports.
3. Danish drill test in carpenters garage: Testing settings. Depth 30 m.
4. Groomed skiway in zig-zag and lengthwise.
5. Repaired elevator to drill trench.
6. Set-up of water vapour sampling station completed.
Ad.1: Winch works well and the tower still clears the ceiling of the drill trench.
Ad.6: The automatic water vapour sampling and isotopic measuring station is now operational. It is scheduled to run the entire season.
Weather: Clear. Temp. - 20°C to - 31°C, 10-3 knots from SSE.
Visibility: To horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen