Sunny Sunday

Sunday morning is always peaceful and the sunny weather made it really nice.
After brunch, the work started again with the snow pit and various good-weather surface projects. The camp is really in the packing-down phase and a lot of different activities on this happened today.
The weather forecast for the next three days is also good so we are getting spoilt. The 4th of July is forecasted to be good so perhaps we can prepare a barbecue…
What we have done today:
1. Continued sampling in the 2m snow
2. NEGIS: all well; good weather, the seismic program continues
3. Documented and packed in Carpenter Garage
4. Removed ice around Sauna tent and loosened cover
5. Removed snow around Sauna Garage with snow blower
6. Prepared food order
7. Sorted food in the fresh food tent
8. Started removing snow on the roof of the drill trench
-16 °C to -8 °C. Wind 6-16 kn from E. Sunny.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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