Saturday in very nice weather

Everybody participate in the opening of our ice bar inside the new balloon trench by toasting in mulled wine.
Although people stop working earlier than normal, a lot was accomplished today. A 30 ice core was drilled, the NEGIS team worked on the seismic profile, the skiway was made ready for the plane on Tuesday and in the drill trench more basal material was collected.
Saturday afternoon and evening is Sarah’s time off, and Astrid, Nanna and Christine were the cooks of the evening. Our main course was musk-ox roast. Tyler removed snow from the entrance of the balloon trench and made steps. Eliza and Marja made an ice bar in the trench and made decorations with candle holders and snow sofas to the side. Before dinner everybody went into the new trench and had a glass of warm mulled wine. After dinner we had a fine party.
What we have done today:
1. Today’s Basler mission to B23 (78 00 N, 44 00 W) was successful and 30 m ice
core drilled.
2. NEGIS team preparing seismic profile West of NEEM camp.
3. Grooming skiway, taxiway and apron with tiller.
4. Drilling with rock drill in red light.
5. Saturday night cooks: Astrid, Nanna, Christine.
6. Building ice bar in experimental trench. Folding balloon, cleaning around the
construction site and excavating snow from the entrance ramp.
Weather: Clear. Temp. – 9°C to – 18°C, 5 - 13 knots from S to SE.
Visibility: Unrestricted.

The trench looks like an alien landscape with strange formations along the wall and a conical imprint of the balloon at the end.
FL, J.P. Steffensen