Camp is shrinking

This is the view from the main dome of the entire ice core science and drill site after closing today. The only visible structure is the extended bore hole casing pointing out of the snow (the picture was taken on august 8 as the blizzard of August 7 obscured the view).
NEEM camp is condensing, and today a big task is completed. After everything was taken from the science trench, all openings and entrances were backfilled with snow, all markers were removed and the area was dozed. Now there is only the extended casing pipe that breaks the flat surface.
The day began fine with sunshine and fine working conditions and a lot was done. However after lunch it became overcast and the temperature rose to -2°C. In the evening it began to snow, and because of the high temperatures, water began to drip into the main dome. At 2200 a blizzard came with snow, blowing snow and dropping temperatures.
Everybody in camp is active with different tasks and therefore the list of things we have done is long.
What we have done today:
1. Backfilled ramp, elevator shaft and stair well. The drill and science
trenches are no more.
2. Dozing the entire drill and science area flat. All markers removed.
3. Making 7 hills for heavy sleds.
4. Grooming skiway, taxi way and apron with beam groomer.
5. Moving food from food tent to main dome and balloon trench.
6. Packing Japanese cargo.
7. Documentation and cleaning up on 1st floor in dome.
8. Working on documentation.
9. All small tents taken down.
Weather: -2°C to -9°C. Wind: 5 – 7 m/s from SE, later 10 – 13 m/s from W. Fine in the morning, later overcast. At 2030 rain and snow. At 2200 camp was hit by a blizzard with dense snow and blowing snow. During this temperatures dropped by 4 degrees.
FL, J.P. Steffensen