36 hours of bad weather over

Sverrir with the Pistenbully attacks the snow around the mechanic garage. We will lift this garage to a new snow hill.
We cannot believe our luck. A big change in weather as we experienced yesterday is normally associated with high winds and severe snow drift; but this time the weather dissipated after 36 hours. Weather is fine again, albeit with much higher temperatures.
It has been a pleasant day, and while Erin and Dan are working with their logger in the deep hole, Trevor and Carsten opened a drill school for our young scientists: Tyler, Mirena and Marja.
Simon worked on the deep drill electronics that will be used next week. Martin, Philip and Sepp worked with the German drill system, Sverrir and Lou modified the groomer, groomed and pushed snow, J.P. removed snow drifts with the snow blower, Jakob helped in the main dome and Sarah presented us again with wonderful meals.
What we have done today :
1. Grooming taxiway and apron with modified groomer.
2. U.S. sonic logging: Repairing a noise problem in electronics.
3. Excavation around mechanic garage.
4. German shallow drilling: Adjustments and working on establishing a routine.
5. Testing motor section of deep drill.
6. Shallow drilling class in camp.
7. Removing snow drifts from yesterday.
Ad.1: The frame behind the groomer has been cut off, and the main beam is lifted a few cm by skis on each side. We hope that this design will help removing undulations on the skiway.
Ad.2: Sonic logging progressed to 900 m depth when the signal disappeared.
The logger was retrieved for repairs, and this evening the next attempt will begin.
Ad.3: Excavation around mechanic garage has begun in preparation of a move of the garage from the deep hole to a new snow hill.
Ad.5: While the U.S. logging is on the way, we are beginning to prepare sections of the deep drill.
Weather: From 9.00 Clear all day. Temp. – 4°C to –10°C, 4-13 knots from W to S. Visibility: unrestricted.

The drill school. From left: Tyler (driller student), Carsten (drill mechanic), Trevor (driller teacher), Mirena (driller student) and in front Marja (driller student).
FL, J.P. Steffensen