Rainy day

NEEM weatherstation reporting +1.1 °C and rain
We woke up to a totally overcast day with rain! The lowest temperature at 03:00 am was +0.3 °C! The weatherstation showed an umbrella and informed of 0.2 mm daily rain!
We had a busy day taking down the staircase to the trenches and made good use of Paul’s climbing skills. Alejandra and Rune had a very wet pit trip to take additional samples and, from the fixed measure tape of last week, observe that the surface had decreased elevation with 5-6 cm due to compaction and water.
We are very excited by being able to actually see and monitor this extreme warming at NEEM and we are looking much forward to see how the isotopic composition of the water vapor collected by the PICARRO will be.
What we have done today:
1. Melted samples to be filtered
2. Air sampling program
3. Collected 4 additional samples to melt
4. Removed staircase and stored for placement on a big sledge later
5. Maintenance of Flexmobil
6. Made report on skiway conditions
+0.3 °C to +1.1 °C. Wind 12 to 15 kn from S. Very overcast with low visibility.

Paul abseiling and removing the trench staircase
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen