Work in camp on track and aeroplane operations on track

Simon, Trevor and Carsten prepare for the wet drilling. Simon and Trevor carry the hollow shaft for wet drilling and Carsten has a hammer – just in case.
The fine weather continues to help us a lot. The aeroplanes are able to complete their missions, even to areas that are often difficult to reach due to weather, and at camp it is a pleasure to work out side.
Almost everything left on the surface from last year is now lifted to the surface and reorganized in a neat fashion.
Re-fuelling of the planes from pumps and tanks in camp runs very fine.
The Danish drillers in the carpenters garage are now preparing to work in “wet” conditions as a new test fluid has been poured into the hole. In the drill trench borehole measurements were completed without incidents.
Sarah was happy as all food has been unpacked , sorted and laid out in the food storage for easy access.
What we have done today:
1. Sending off and receiving two aircraft.
2. Danish logging of deep hole geometry and temperature completed.
3. Prepared Danish wet drilling by putting test fluid in the hole.
4. Work on reducing noise in the signal to the U.S. sonic borehole logging
device mounted on deep drill cable and winch system.
5. Removing snow from South side of carpenters garage.
6. AWI drill system assembly in progress.
7. Lifting cargo from last year to new surface. Cleaning up in cargo line.
8. All food has been sorted and organized in the food storage.
Ad.1: The PARCA Twin Otter made successful visits to Peterman Glacier weather station site. AWI Polar 6 made a successful radar mission along one of the predetermined profiles. The airborne missions require coordination with Flight Information Centre in Kangerlussuaq, between camp and the planes by radio and satellite telephone and fuel handling in NEEM camp.
Ad.2 : The logging was done according to the latest plans.
Weather: Few clouds in the morning, otherwise clear. Temp. - 14°C to - 21°C, 3-12 knots from S, later NE. Visibility: To horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen