Sunshine and suntan

Anne-Katrine is working on documentation of everything in camp. Office work is another side of our activities – and very important.
It has been a wonderful day. It was nice and cold with lots of sunshine.
After almost three weeks several members of the last team got a facial
suntan today. This demonstrates how little we have seen the Sun in the
past weeks.
We got a lot of work done and we are still fine on track. The long list of accomplishments below shows this. There was even time for a shooting contest in the Icelympics: 1st J.P., 2nd Satow and 3rd Alexandra.
Tonight we stopped the main water supply and part of the closing down
schedule and people have to get used to more simple camp life in the last
two days.
Sarah had a special treat for us tonight: Lobster with potatoes, coleslaw and beet. Everybody enjoyed the meal.
What we have done today:
1. Completed building Weatherport and carpenter sled.
2. Completed building timber sled.
3. Adjusted floor in carpenter garage and parked tiller in it.
4. Grooming skiway, taxiway and apron with tiller and blade.
5. Made pallet with snowblower, weather ports and Japanese cargo.
6. Building science pallet. Waiting for the last boxes.
7. Made pallet ready for two snow mobiles.
8. Took last weatherport down.
9. Took flag line down.
10. Stopped water supply and emptied main snow melter. Dome water system
is now winterized.
11. Working on documentation.
12. Icelympics: Shooting contest.
Weather: - 10°C to -20°C (Coldest since June 12). Wind: calm to 3 m/s from S – SSE. Fine all day.

Lisbeth and Bo are strapping down cargo that goes on the big sleds.
FL, J.P. Steffensen