Blizzard has passed – back to work

Myriam, Lisbeth and Peter are re-arranging the timber stored on the heavy sled. When this is finished, the sled will be pulled to a hill for storage.
Luckily this was not a multi-day blizzard. When we began to work weather was fine again, and nice cold for a change.
Lou had to go on the skiway and re-do what she did yesterday. The rest of us continued to pack and document everything in camp. Soon, we have two more sleds to be pulled into position on hills.
Sarah continues to cook fine meals for us even though her selection of food goes down rapidly.
Tomorrow will be the last day of full operation of the main dome as we will begin to disassemble the water systems. The packing down is on schedule for leaving on Saturday.
What we have done today:
1. New snow floor in mechanics garage.
2. Packing Japanese cargo.
3. Re-arranging lumber sled.
4. Grooming skiway beam groomer.
5. Pulled drillers sled into position on Hill 7.
6. Packed food tent and one 10 x 15 Weather port.
7. Documentation and cleaning up on 1st floor in dome.
8. Placing all 3 fuel tanks on hills next to the apron.
9. Packing and documenting food and cleaning in kitchen.
10. Measured the entire camp including positions for final storage with GPS.
Weather: -7°C to -17°C (Coldest since July 4). Wind: 5 – 2 m/s from S – SW.
Fine all day with fog in the evening.

A portrait of the drillers sled resting on its snow hill.
FL, J.P. Steffensen