The final ice core

The final NEEM ice core.
The termination of the NEEM deep drilling after 6 years is a big event.
During the afternoon Trevor and Steff drilled the last ice core. The removal of the ‘evil’ stone allowed the Hans Tausen drill to penetrate. The high amount of basal material, however, battered the drill head badly grinding the outer side of the drill head so several of the screws attaching the drill head to the drill were gone or worn down. THE END!
What we have done today:
1. Received Skier 41, 42 and 43 with the Science and Education Team and the
third big sledge
2. Air sampling program
3. Packed pallets
4. Drilled the final NEEM ice core
5. Logged with the optical logger during the night
6. Had program with the Science and Education group
7. Removed grids from drill trench floor and dug out cables under the floor
Ad 4: The 27 cm long final ice core was drilled with the Hans Tausen drill. The core is hollow from the rock drilling and has refrozen water on the inside.
Ad 6: The science and education team had a briefing on NEEM camp and ice
core science followed by a GPS skidoo treasure hunt. After this the team
was divided into groups and prepared presentations on the highlight of
their 3 week school. After dinner the three groups presented for the camp.
Weather:-7°C to -4°C. Wind 0-15 kn between S and SE. Overcast.

The Science and Education teams on the skidoo GPS treasure hunt.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen