Barbeque in the Blue

Barbeque in the blue.
Today a day with temperatures below zero, sunshine and no wind. Now we really believe in good conditions for the coming day. We are really happy to be able to receive the next team tomorrow and used much of the day with final preparations.
After a wonderful dinner with grilled redfish by Kasper we all went down in the balloon trench with warm clothing and sleeping bags and watched a movie in the ‘omnimax’ cinema. Even with a good supply of hot chocolate we were very cold after 2 hours in the trench.
What we have done today:
1. Finalized melting of samples and packed equipment
2. Air sampling program
3. Made one more shallow pit to observe the melt
4. Removed ice from drill and tower
5. Replaced all flags on flag line
6. Finished removing snow blocks so ramp is ready for pull up of drill equipment
7. Checked skiway flags
Weather: -7°C to -0.5°C. Wind 0-9 kn from SSE turning to SW. Clear blue sky.

NEEM omnimax cinema
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen