Friday the 13th – not a good flight day!

Alejandra and Rune producing fantastic boxes for the science trench saws after own design.
If you are superstitious don’t fly Friday 13th….
Well, conditions were bad with low overcast and ground fog and wet skiway so the mission was cancelled during the night. We had a productive day - the extra day giving us time to observe the unusual melt by pit studies.
We see a very strong change of temperature in the top layers as a result of penetration of water and refreezing of water layers now at depths of 60-70 cm. We might start some penetration experiments with dye (in this case TANG) but you will hear more on this later…
What we have done today:
1. Melted samples to be filtered
2. Air sampling program
3. Made shallow pit to observe the melt
4. Removed ice from drill and tower
5. Made boxes to ship the science trench saws
6. Lowered floor in the inclined ramp to drill trench
7. Power line and light in ballon trench
8. Checked fuel stock in camp
Ad 3: the surface layer on the melting point has increased to 70 cm
Ad 4: Nearly 100 kg ice/water is removed each day. Most is collected in
buckets under the dripping spots. We hope to keep the drill in good shape
for the drillers soon to arrive to NEEM
-0.7 °C to +0.2 °C. Wind 5-12 kn from SSW. Very overcast with light snow/sleet.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Helle and Paul busy with the chain saw lowering the floor in the drilling trench ramp.