Happy Camp

Checking and documenting small tents on the first floor of the Dome
After a brunch with omelettes and pancakes the day started gently. We are really enjoying being a small camp which is different from the normal bigger population at NEEM.
Today we opened the ramps to the drill trench and the ballon trench in preparation for next week’s activities. We checked and documented all the small tents at NEEM. The plans for next week with the pull-out of NEGIS and the exchange of camp personnel on Friday are closing in and the days of the small camp reaches an end.
Sarah will leave with Polar 6 on Tuesday for a few days rest in Kangerlussuaq and Kasper from Kangerlussuaq will be our stand-in cook.
What we have done today:
1. Melted samples to be filtered
2. Air sampling program
3. NEGIS: all well; Low winds, Packing and recovering GPS stations
4. Opened ramps to drill trench and ballon trench
5. Checked and documented all NEEM small tents
6. Food order and packing or give-away food in Kangerlussuaq
7. Sitrep and Polar6 planning
-12 °C to -4 °C. Wind 2 to 10 kn from NW turning to SE. Morning ground fog lifting at 10:00 local to give way to a sunny day.

Seven of the eight in our ‘Happy Camp’

Alejandra attempting to ski in Lars’s ski boots?
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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