Packing NEEM

Taking down and packing the Sauna Garage
Again a very nice and sunny day with low winds and we decided it was the day to take the sauna garage down. Before lunch the tent was down and packed on a pallet on top of the red dome tent. The afternoon was spent sorting out the zarges boxes from the science trench and blowing snow from the drill trench roof. We really felt we had achieved much this Monday.
What we have done today:
1. Continued sampling in the 2m snow
2. NEGIS:all well; Good weather, The seismic program half way done
3. Taken Sauna garage down and palletized for retro to Kangerlussuaq
4. Packed 6 boxes with give-away-food to be retroed to Kangerlussuaq
5. Blowing snow away from drill trench roof around borehole location.
6. Sorted Science boxes
Ad 5: The snow will be removed with snow blower to the depth of the plexiglass on the ‘submarine’ window. The plexiglass is found in 5 m depth below the present surface. The last 40 cm of snow will be shoveled away by hand.
Ad 6: A small collection of plastic bags and science tools will be stored in the Main Dome for future use. The rest will be returned to Copenhagen.
-16 °C to -8 °C. Wind 5 to 10kn from E turning to SE. Sunny.

Removing snow from Drill Trench Roof

Camp view without Sauna Garage
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen