Preparing for Monday storm and Tuesday flight mission

Net-throwing is an important skill for pallet strapping and it helps to be +2 m tall.
The weather forecast predicts stormy conditions for Monday, just before the flight mission scheduled for Tuesday. We therefore take advantage of today’s relatively good weather conditions to prepare the camp for another storm and to get ready to receive the airplane.
We continue preparing the skiway and we have now two pallets of science equipment ready to go. A third pallet will be build from ice core boxes containing the 1.5 tons of shallow ice cores that were drilled earlier this season.
Next weeks flight mission will also be a major NEEM crew exchange where the camp population will go down from 14 to 8 persons and only 2 participants will stay in camp, namely Sarah and Motohiro.
What we have done today:
1. NEGIS: all well, clouds and sunny, wind 10 kts, radar work and preparation for
seismic work
2. Beam grooming skiway
3. Making two pallets ready for next week’s flight
4. Clearing snow away from carpenters garage preparing it to be moved
5. Emptying balloon trench and closing entrance
6. Cooking delicious meal and enjoying a nice evening
Weather: Overcast with a few snow showers as well as sunny spells during the afternoon. Varying visibility and poor contrast most of the day. Wind 10-18 knots from SW. Temp. -7°C to -9°C.
FL, Anders Svensson