Put-in of the NEGIS camp begins

Martin, Lou and Sepp during NEGIS drilling today.
This year NEEM camp is also a staging station for a remote camp on the North East Greenland Ice Stream. Today and the next two days, the Basler will transport equipment and 4 people to the NEGIS camp where they will work in the next four weeks.During the staging of equipment there will be shallow ice core drilling at NEGIS. Today was the first of two, maybe three drilling days at NEGIS.
At NEEM many tasks were completed, as the list of things done today testifies. We are ready for the planned LC-130 flight tomorrow. Weather has been outstanding: Nice and cold, as we like it, sunny and little wind.
Sarah continues to work wonders with food and this has a positive impact on camp morale. Tonight we had spare ribs.
A small problem with the shallow drill is repaired.
What we have done today:
1. NEGIS team working seismic profile West of NEEM camp.
2. Drilling with rock drill in red light. One sample retrieved.
3. Two flights with Basler to NEGIS (North East Greenland Ice Stream). Staging of
NEGIS camp.
4. Drilling at NEGIS (75 37.61 N, 35 56.49W). 17 m drilled.
5. Mechanic garage emptied in preparation of move.
6. Pit study by Eliza and Christine. 2 m pit excavated for tephra studies.
7. Top snow experiment with aging of pollen in the top snow initiated (Astrid).
8. Inserting measurement points for width and height in balloon trench. Initial
9. Taking down last Viessmann cabin in science trench and brought it to surface.
10.Made new outhouse.
Ad.3: First cargo has been put in at NEGIS and a tent erected.
Ad.4: Only 17 m were drilled when another power supply broke down. It has now been repaired at NEEM. We believe that the two breakdowns in power supply in the last week were caused by a faulty regulator on the generator. Tomorrow drilling will continue with another generator.
Weather: Clear. Temp. –10°C to – 19°C, 3-6 knots from S. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen