We prepare for the arrival of an LC-130 tomorrow

There is life in the science trench! Mirena and Marja are processing the shallow cores that were drilled in the previous days. They measure dielectric properties and densities before packing the cores for shipment.
Lou spent the entire day today driving the Pistenbully up and down the skiway to till in the new snow in preparation of the plane tomorrow.
Some people in camp are now eager to go home. Their projects are finished, and the plane arriving tomorrow will arrive two days later than planned. However it is a fact of life here that we are totally dependent of weather. But people mostly help where they can and give their contribution to the community this way.
During the day weather cleared and we are confident the weather will be good for a flight tomorrow.
Life in camp continues to progress at a good pace, and all share the anticipation and excitement of not only Sarah’s lunches and dinners but also her cookies and cakes.
What we have done today:
1. Basler mission to B22 (78 25’N, 36 26’W).
2. Excavated along sides of mechanic garage.
3. Processing ice cores.
4. Finished blowing snow on top of experimental trench.
5. Tilling skiway, taxiway and apron.
Ad.1: The drilling today was short with only 5.5 m core drilled before the power supply for the winch developed a fault. Back in camp the power supply is under repair, and in the mean time the power supply for the intermediate winch will substitute the faulty one.
Ad.2: In preparation of lifting the mechanic garage to a new hill, all sides have to be excavated.
Ad.4: The process of blowing snow on top of the gas tank in the experimental trench finished as the snow roof reached 1 m above the snow surface. Now, we will keep the gas tank pressurized for several days to allow the snow on top to sinter and harden.
Weather: Broken to scattered cloud cover. Temp. – 5°C to – 15°C, 2-10 knots from E, S to NE. Visibility: unrestricted.

A view of the 15 m long and 4.85 m wide gas tank in the trench before we began to bury it.

A view from underneath the gas tank shows the size of the tank. J.P. inspects the position of the tank.

This is what is left of the trench with the gas tank after burial has been completed.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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