First core in 2011
Left picture: Bruce in the slot below the drill.
Right picture: Trevor and Carsten at the first drill run.
We drilled the first ice core today. Although this core only contains snow that has been disturbed by camp activities, we will soon reach a depth where the snow layers are undisturbed.
To insure that we get a record up to present day, we plan to drill a core to 30 m depth from an undisturbed site a bit away from camp. Later analysis will later allow us to stitch the records together to one continuous record. Anyway, it is nice to begin the work that NEEM camp is built for.
It was with a good feeling we could celebrate Saturday evening enjoying the cooking skills of Trevor and Bruce.
Today demonstrated that even in good weather there can be snow drift. The high catabatic winds were able to move surface snow.
What we have done today:
1. Removing snow around red domes.
2. Drilled the first core in storage garage.
3. Repairing broken beam groomer.
4. Grooming skiway lengthwise, driving tracks on taxiway and apron.
5. Taking food from the connecting tunnel to food storage.
6. Setting up CFA system.
7. Saturday night dinner provided by Trevor and Bruce.
Ad.3: During grooming, part of the stabilizing frame broke and the groomer became unstable. Back in the workshop, Sverrir cut away the broken part and welded a new piece of steel on. The repairs took 20 minutes, and grooming could continue.
Ad.6: Optimizing detection modules. Updating CFA documentation. First standard signal in hydrogen peroxide.
Weather: Clear. Temp. - 13 °C to - 21 °C, 10-18 knots from S. Unrestricted visibility, thin clouds in evening.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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