Big changes

Hans Christian operates the snowblower to remove snowdrifts around one of the red dome tents
Today brought several big changes. In the drill trench, the winch control is now working
fine. This is a major step in the preparations for drilling. Now, the drillers can begin to
mount the drill itself.
In the main dome, the central heating was put on-line and suddenly the dining area and kitchen became really comfortable. The central heating uses waste heat from the main generator cooling system.
The NEEM weather station was set up, and now everybody can follow the weather from the Field Leaders console.
Sarah has been really busy cooking and preparing food orders for the next plane and
making food inventory.
After dinner several people watched a movie.
What we have done today:
- Winch control is installed and now working fine
- Drill fluid pump station now installed
- Central heating system now finished and heating the main dome
- NEEM weather station installed
- Work on installing main snow melter
- Work on railings around the inclined trench
- Installed electrical engine heater in one snowmobile
- Work on food inventory and food order
Weather: Blue sky, - 32°C to -21°C, 4-20 knots from SE to E. Visibility:
from 1 mile to unrestricted. Windy with blowing snow in the morning. At 2
pm the wind decreased and Sunday evening was beautiful but cold.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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