10 August 2008
A Toyota break down stopped the radar measurements for the day

Dennis and the broken mattrax on the Toyota and Bo and Carina with the perfect ice core buffer.
After an “early” start Sunday morning the CReSIS team needed to make a call for help over the radio just after 10:00. It turned out that a bearing was broken on the right back mattrax and the Toyota had to be placed on pallets and pulled 5 km back to camp. The radar equipment was transferred to a flexmobil and the CReSIS team was ready for measurements the next day. As always – all accidents happen on Sundays….
What we have done today:
- Packed in the science trench.
- Levelled floor in the science trench.
- Worked on the ventilation system in the drill trench.
- Worked on the snot station (drill liquid mixing and ice chips centrifuge) in the drill trench.
- Turned the horizontal Swiss saw 180 deg in science trench.
- Toyota rescue mission.
- Took retro boxes up especially from the drill trench.
- Vehicle maintenance.
- Organized food for winter storage
1. Weather: overcast, -15 to -5 deg C, wind 5 to 12 knots from SW (true), visibility unrestricted
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