8 August 2008
Many of the projects are reaching the end

A view downstairs in the dome.
The season is reaching the end and in camp we can see the end of many of the major projects. In the drill and science trenches we are finalizing the trenches and on the surface we have started to prepare for the winter storage.
What we have done today:
- Placed slush pans on the tower.
- Adjusted the steps so the tower can pass done in the inclined trench.
- Processed weather data.
- Placed core holders on the core buffer.
- Maintained the snow blower.
- Cleaned the surface.
- Worked on the ventilation system in the drill trench.
- Radar measurements – problems with noise.
- Placed security equipment in camp
Weather: Overcast, -15 to -5 deg C, wind 0-12 knots from W, visibility unrestricted
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