The big DV day.

DV’s (distinguished visitors) including the Danish minister of climate and energy Connie Hedegaard and IPCC chairman Pachauri listening to science presentations in the NEEM main dome.
The day arrives where the skier is back in camp. Sad goodbyes to 10 friends from NEEM and a busy day guiding our 16 guests around at NEEM. The day went fast spiced with a difficult take off for the skier and problems with the shallow drill. As the deep drill was not operational we drilled some ice cores with the shallow drill in the S4 borehole, where the core was not intended to be stored. In the Science trench we had saved the last S1 main core for processing today and used this opportunity to tell stories on past volcanic eruptions as seen in ECM and what stable water isotopes tell about the past climate.
What we have done today:
- Received Skier 72 with 16 DV’s
- Goodbye to 10 pax from NEEM
- Continued making the steps down into the 8.2m deep inclined drill trench
- Worked on the winch control
- Tour for the DV’s including drilling in firn-village and processing ice cores in science trench
- Processed the last of the S1 NEEM main core (bag 193 – need to check)
- Continued attaching the loose rubber panels on the roof of the main dome
- Science presentations for DV after dinner
- Unpacked pallets with fresh food
- Prepared pallet with shallow drill equipment
- Tilling skiway in the afternoon and evening
Ad 1:
A retro-load of 13.500 lbs was prepared but 2 pallets where drifted so the final retro-load was 8.300 lbs. 600 lbs of fuel was tanked from the skier. After the first take off attempt one pallet was drifted. After the second take off attempt a second pallet was drifted and the skier fuelled with 1000lbs from camp. The skier departed in the third attempt using the full skiway but not ATO’s.
Name list for DV’s
- Minister for Climate and Energy, DK; Connie Hedegaard
- Minister for Infrastructure, Climate and Environment, GL; Kim Kielsen
- Director of Danish National Research Foundation, DK; Thomas Sinkær
- Chairman of the Danish National Research Foundation Board, DK; Klaus Bock
- Chairman, FN Panel on Climate Change, Dr. Rajenda K Pachauri
- New York Times, Thomas and Ann Friedman
- Times Magazine, Bryan Walsh and Håkan Ludvigsson
- Dean, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Nils and Jette O Andersen
- Pro Dean, U. of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Katherine Richardson
- Dean, University of Kansas, School of Engineering, US; Dr. Stuart Bell
- Chancellor, University of Kansas, US, Dr. Robert Hemenway
- India news, Raj Chengappa
- New York Times, Ian Parker
Simon was not able to get the winch control running. Simon will contact the company and we will continue to troubleshoot it in the coming period.
Weather: blue sky, -5 - 9 C, wind 9-14 knots from SW, visibility unlimited
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