A windy day - but all activities continue

European firn-gas samling site
A windy day with winds up to 23 knots. There is severe drifting snow and it is decided to seal the science trench by closing the inclined entrance with a plywood wall. The surface patrol was active all day collecting pallets and cleaning the surface to avoid that any items would disappear in drifts. The power cable installations, dome constructions, water and heating installations continued and the snowmelter was moved into camp. The firn gas programs continued and 2.5m and 5.0m values of firn gas was sampled. The cores where sampled for O18 on the site. Preparations for the traverse to NGRIP began with the emptying of the sledges to be brought on the traverse.

Closing the science trench
Reaming depth: 90 m
Reamer 5 diameter: 281 mm
What we have done today:
- Reamed the NEEM pilot hole with reamer 5 from 255 to 281mm
- Pulled power cables in the camp.
- Built walls in the dome
- Installed radiators in main dome and continued the preparation of the water system
- Closed the science trench
- Cleaned the surface by collection all small items and flagged all on the surface Firn-gas pumping successfully operating. S3 (US) depth: 5m, S2 (EU) depth 2.5m
- Traverse preparations – train with PistenBully and sledges prepared
Weather: overcast, low clouds, snow fall, -16 - 7 C, wind up to 23 kn from WSW, visibility ½ mile

US firn-gas sampling site
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