The first snow the last 3 weeks

Power cable activities in camp
Believe it or not – we had several very happy scientists in camp because we got overcast with snowfall. The sampling of snow started together with monitoring of the weather. We had a very busy day pulling cables in the camp. The snowblower was used to make a trench dividing the camp in a west and east end for the power and LAN cables to cross the camp. In the dome plumbing continued together with carpenter activities. Outside the dome we started to glue the rubber panels on the dome again. Half of the panels have fallen totally off and this causes a problem because the glue we have is latex and meant to glue rubber on rubber. In the science trench the installation of the swiss saw and the ecm began. A bandsaw was installed a few days ago by a professional (Thomas). We are ready for the ice cores from the firn-gas program!. The MASE generator was moved to the firn-gas site where preparation still is going on. Because we only have one Viessman building at the site a big dome tent has been set up for the US activities. The last 20cm of reaming with reamer 4 was done and modifications of the new reamer 5 began.
Reaming depth: 92.04m
Reamer 4 diameter: 255 mm

Gluing the rubber panels on the outside of the dome.
What we have done today:
- Reamed the NEEM pilot hole with reamer 4 from 222 to 255mm
- Pulled power cables in the camp. North side of the camp is now also powered by the main generator
- Placed the second fuel tank (tank 2) on it’s sledge, pumped some fuel in the tank and moved it to the main generator site. 7500l of fuel was pumped from tank1 to tank 2. Of this fuel 1200l was pumped into the generator daytank.
- Continued plumbing and creating an insulated box to be able to pull water into the dome
- Begun the task of gluing the black rubber panels on the dome again.
- Moved MASE generator to the firn-air site and continued preparations at the site.
- Put up the first Viessmann lab at the firn-air site
- Prepared science trench for the shallow ice cores from the air-gas program.
Weather: overcast, low clouds, snow fall, -6 - 10 C, wind 10 kn from SW, visibility unrestricted
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