An eventful day

Goodbye to good friends (Marianne waves goodbye).
Today was the day where the exchange of the NEEM team started. Marianne left us and Jakob, Sverrir, Anders, Simon, Henry, Thomas, Thomas Doc and Trevor arrived. For the first time this year we had ground fog in the morning that lifted just 5 min before the skier arrived. As soon as the skier was airborne we started the big move from the kitchen tent to the dome. Lunch was in a very cold dome at 1 am. At 2 am the GRIT traverse arrived and during the afternoon we used our new pumping system for the first time. In 15 minutes we pumped 11.356 l of fuel into our fuel tank. We had a fun evening playing Meyer with the traverse guys and marking the last evening for Tim, Fabian and Peter. And the reaming went well too.
Reaming depth: 65 m
Reamer 3 diameter: 215 mm

Transformation of the kitchen dome to sleeping quarters.
What we have done today:
- Reamed the NEEM pilot hole with reamer 3 from 185 to 215 mm.
- Received skier 72.
- Moved from kitchen dome to main dome.
- Received the GRIT traverse.
- Pumped fuel from GRIT bladder to NEEM tank.
- Moved boxes from pallets to the camp.
Ad 2: The operation went really smooth. We unloaded 2 loads on the sledge. Thanks to the crew of Skier 92 for great support.
Ad 3: The dome is not tight and during day and night we struggled to keep the temperature above freezing.
Weather: blue sky with ground fog between 3 and 8 am, -9 to -13 C, wind 10 knots from S, visibility unrestricted.
FL, D. Dahl-Jensen
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