The dome is in progress and we plan the interior.

Camp life: planning and building the dome and of course drilling
No reason to mention that we had good weather. In the dome, the floor on the ground floor is finished with plywood above the insulation material. The wok on the dome shell continued and work was also done finishing the gabs around the top panels. Drilling went well and a final depth of 50.63 m was reached. The 3 inch cores are packed in foam boxes and will be processed later. The second garage snow hill was finished and the top levelled so we are ready to set the second garage tent up.
Drill +logging depth: 50.63 under 5 May 2008 snow surface (bag 93, 3 cm)
Daily core length: 39.27m in 34 runs;
Total core length: 43.35m
What we have done today:
- Drilled with the 3 inch shallow core for NEEM main core pilot hole.
- Continued the work placing screws on the dome shell.
- Covered the ground floor of the dome with the final plywood floor
- Worked on fitting the top panels in the dome cupola.
- Finalized the snow hill for the second garage.
- BAS: Stationary radar measurements + GPS survey
- Maintenance and ordering of spare parts for the Pisten Bully.
Weather: blue sky, -13 to -2 C, wind 8-10 knots from ESE visibility unrestricted.
FL, D. Dahl-Jensen
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