The position of the deep ice core borehole was marked in the drill trench.

The hanging screwdriver marks the position of the NEEM borehole.
The weather in camp is still clear with blue sky and it is a pleasure to work on the surface. The roof on the science trench is finished and sealed with snow on the edges. On the dome the panels on the cupola was mounted and we have continued the work on the shell. The drill equipment has been located on pallets and moved into the drill trench. Windows have been mounted in the drill trench roof and the position of the deep ice core borehole marked from roof to floor. Logging equipment has been located and we hope to start the drilling Monday.

Coffee on the roof to celebrate that it is finished.
What we have done today:
- Finished the science trench roof construction.
- Mounted top panels in the dome cupola and continued the work placing screws on the dome shell.
- BAS: Finalized the GPS survey and started the stationary radar measurements.
- Placed polycarbonate windows in the drill trench roof.
- Located drill equipment on pallets and moved it down in drill trench
- Marked the drill postion.
- Fuel inventory
Weather: _Blue sky, -12 to -2 C, wind 10 knots from S, visibility unrestricted.
Ad 1. The opening of the inclined entrance will be kept while the weather is good so we can move equipment down into the trench.
Ad 5. 13 drums JetA1 + bladder JP8; 6 drums Mogas, 100l glycol.
FL, D. Dahl-Jensen
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