Excavating drill trench and building dome

The dome structure grows
We mounted new levels on the dome structure today. Weather was o.k. albeit a little windy. The crane came in extremely handy and was used most of the day until close to dinner time, when the Pistenbully developed a fuel problem. This problem was solved Sunday morning.
The excavators in the drill trench discovered another problem, at 4.5 m they encountered a hard layer which required manual labor to break. We believe this is a melt layer from 2002.
Then it was Saturday, and several took the opportunity to take a shower in a tent inside the garage. Saturday night was celebrated in a pleasant atmosphere.
What we have done today:
- Mounted new levels on main dome structure. 39 struts were mounted.
- Excavating drill trench in two shifts. Depth is now 4.5 m.
Weather: Blue sky, -14 to -10 C, 15 knots from S.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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