22 May 2008
Another fine day on the ice

A view of the two domes that were not there this morning.
Today the skyline of camp changed dramatically. Both red dome tents were finished, each on a snow hill. From the distance you se two tall red domes. We took advantage of the mild wind, and were able to put the covers on the frame without too much trouble. Sverrir had a busy day, repairing generators and overseeing the dome tent construction. We also started grooming the skiway to remove the effects from the recent blizzard, and to prepare the skiway for the tiller.
For dinner: Meatloaf, gravy and potatoes.
What we have done today:
- Red dome 2 finished.
- Red dome 1 finished.
- Zig zag grooming on skiway.
- Testing and adjusting tiller.
- Maintaining Hatz generators. A broken fuel pump was repaired, and a spare pump was repaired too. The engine alternator on one Hatz is broken, so we have to charge the batteries all the time. The same Hatz has developed an oil leak around the crank shaft bearings.
Weather: Beautiful: -21 C, 9 knots wind from SE. Sunshine all day.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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