18 May 2008

Construction work begins

Hill for red dome 2

Claus, J.P., Hans Christian and Thomas are preparing foundations for Red Dome tent no.2.

We now begin to erect tents that are planned to stay up through the winter. The tents are set up on 2 m high snow hills. This way, the tents stay free from snow drifts, and next year when we open camp again, these tents will be readily accessible.


The making of snow hills with the Pistenbully is an impressive sight. Sverrir is at the wheel.

After the slow start of vehicles, at -36 C it takes up 30 minutes before the vehicles are warm enough to move, the pushing of snow into small hills went really well. The Pistenbully is a huge improvement in our ability to move snow. After a hill is made, timbers are laid out on the hill and adjusted so they are completely level. Then snow from a snow blower is blown on top of the hill, and this snow is then scraped level to the top of the timbers. Over night, this snow will sinter and harden, so the process is quite similar to casting concrete on pavements.

Tomorrow, we will cover the hill top with plywood, which
will be the floor of the tent.

Several weather services have forecasted severe winds in this area, so we have taken precautions by securing all loose items and by marking all cargo on the snow with bamboo poles. So far, however, the severe winds have stayed away and the weather stays fine, albeit cold.


Claus and Hans Christian make sure the floor of the tent will be level.

What we have done today:

  1. Built a 2 m hill for Red Dome 2.
  2. Built a 2 m hill for Garage 1.
  3. Laying out floor foundation for Red Dome 2.
  4. Assembling arches for the garage.

Weather: Cold, clear and almost no wind. -36 to -23 C and 2-4 m/s wind from N and NE. Sunshine all day.

FL, J.P. Steffensen

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