4 June 2011

The wind gets stronger with clouds and snow on top!

Like three little geese, the drillers walk back to the main dome through the blowing snow.

Bad weather continued today, and it got even worse. For more than 24 hours, strong winds have been blowing through camp. The surface snow is now very mobile so the amount of blowing snow has increased. To top it off, clouds with snow have come, the Sun is obscured and surface contrast has disappeared. People are navigating from building to building as only the closest building is visible, and traffic is mostly in groups. Radios are in use as we keep track of each other. However, drilling continued in the shelter of the garage and scientific work in the trenches continued. It is Saturday, and dinner tonight is prepared by Frank and Gary.

What we have done today:
1.  Drilling. Excellent cores. Depth: 184.3 m.
2.  Processing NEEM S1 2011 420 m core. Bags 54-105 (29.15m – 57.75m).
3.  CFA measurements.  Measured 24.2 m. Depth 2405.15m
4.  Following the development of weather.

Drillers report: We continue to make good runs at about 1.5 m. Drilling has entered a routine mode, so the atmosphere is quite relaxed. Drilling stopped at 16.00, as we could not see anything outside. Drilling continued to have the complications of having to open the garage each time we extracted the core barrel and the air in the garage immediately filled with blowing snow. Access to the storage garage is difficult due to snowdrifts.

Weather: Overcast and snow. Temp. - 19 °C to - 22 °C, 20 - 32 knots (gusting 42 knots) from WSW. Visibility 50 m, blowing snow .

FL, J.P. Steffensen 

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