The official termination of the deep drilling project.
After a few runs with no penetration and totally grinded down cutters we made the decision to terminate the deep ice core drilling. We celebrated this with a glass of champagne in the drill trench and every nation present gave a small speech. Later we all went by skidoo to the shallow drill site 3 km from the NEEM camp to enjoy an afternoon of with scones with whipped cream and strawberry jam. We all dressed for a party and had a wonderfull evening with big smiles everywhere. To imagine – it is done!!
No more drilling and logging.
Final logged depth is: 2537.36 m
Processing: 9.90 m (bag 1645-1662), processing depth: 914.10 m

CFA team enjoying an afternoon in the fresh snow
What we have done today:
1. Last drilling attempts.
2. Processed brittle ice.
3. Official termination of drilling.
4. Drilled shallow ice core 2010 S2 to the depth 27 m
5. Tea at the shallow drill site
6. Bedrock party
7. Released the NEEM bedrock press release
Ad.4 the coordinates of the drill site is 77 25.471 N; 51 07.266 W. This 3 inch core is intended for the Swedish Be10 program.
Ad 7. The press release has been submitted to the NEEM-member mailing list.
Weather: Sunny day with low temperatures down to -20°C at night, low winds from SE. During the night ground fog/low clouds came in.
Tea party at the shallow drill site
FL’s Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Anders Svensson
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