Weather is on our side

Sverrir and Ali mounting the snow melter
We have beautiful weather, and this is indeed an advantage as we have to put many camp installations into place. The main dome is nice and warm. We have drinking water in the taps, and by tomorrow we should have water for dish washer, laundry machines, bath room and showers.
Already now there is activity in the trenches: Modifications are made to the drill tower and a new core storage is under construction. Snow blocks are being cut, lifted up by the elevator and hauled away. Joe and Jay have been lending two sets of very welcome extra hands. At this time last year camp was hit by a blizzard, but this year everything is just fine, and the forecast promises two more nice days.
What we have done today:
1. Extending small elevator to allow for transport of snow blocks.
2. Begin construction of cold ice core storage in packing area of science trench.
3. Mounting main elevator.
4. Finished modifications to main snow melter. It now has a new lid and electrical booster
5. Mounting main snow melter to water system.
6. Transporting fuel to camp with sled and drums.
7. Moving equipment into CFA lab. CFA lab now heated.
8. Moving equipment into drill trench.
9. Mounting a new linear motor on the drill tower.
Ad.2: After measurements were completed, a construction meeting was held
in the science trench. We saw, that there is room for the new Viessmann lab without moving the elevator. All afternoon a work crew has been cutting blocks and lifting them out of the trench. The tunnel is now 5 m deep. When finished, it will be able to hold 50 ice core boxes at low temperatures.
Weather: Thin scattered clouds to blue sky, - 28 °C to -21 °C, 6-11 knots from SSE. Visibility: unrestricted, sometimes slight fog.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
The rebuilt snow melter is put in place next to the main dome
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