A super good and productive day

Julie cleaning an ice core before the ECM measurements.
Actually everything runs in routine: good sunny weather, good drilling and good work in the science trench. Boring? Well actually exactly what we could wish for. Julie is cleaning the surface of an ice core before measuring the electrical conductivity (ECM). The ECM and the DEP measurements show annual cycles and the big climate transitions that we find in the glacial ice.
What we have done today:
- Drilling with the NEEM long drill: 28.05 m. Drillers depth: 1648.89 m.
- Logging 27.81 m of core. Logging depth: 1663.23 m.
- CFA analysis: measuring shallow cores and pit samples (5th day).
- Processing 28.05 m of core. Processing depth: 1621.40 m (bag 2948).
- Moving cold air ventilation to the logging side of the drilling trench.
- Lizzie doctored a saw cut on the hand of Li.
- Inspecting the band saws and repairing the auto stop switches.
Ad 1: Drillers report August 10, 2009: “We are happy to report stable, routine, and boring drilling over the last several days. After a long spiral toward better inclination, the cork screw has turned again and we now stand at 2.0 degrees.”
Weather: Again a sunny day. Temperatures between -20°C and –7°C. Wind: 10 kn from SSE.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Jun, the master of the swiss saw. Every cut is done very precisely and the saw is behaving under the firm hands of Jun.
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