The sauna is finished

Construction of the sauna by Alli and Axel.
The last construction in camp is a sauna placed in the storage garage (garage 3). An insolated wooden cabin has been built by Alli and Axel and a shower will be placed next to the sauna. The construction of the sauna has been followed eagerly by the camp members and everone is looking forward to the opening of it – at 16:00 tomorrow - Saturday afternoon.
What we have done today:
- Drilling with the NEEM long drill: 27.79 m. Drillers depth: 1590.58 m.
- Logging 20.58 m of core. Logging depth: 1604.17 m.
- CFA analysis: Analysis of the pit samples and one of the 12 m long hand drilled firn cores.
- Processing 26.40 m. Processing depth: 1553.75 m (bag 2825).
- Building the sauna in the storage garage (garage 3).
Ad 1: Drillers report August 7, 2009:
“Good drilling again with no adjustments
required to the drill. Depth counter/modem communications is acting up. One run resulted in a bottom depth of
40,013.51 meters! The mechanical
depth counter was used for the run without a problem. Drill runs end
themselves with a drop to low idle current, so even without a precise
delta depth for the run we were comfortable with the situation. Stable
comms were restored for now with a 30 minute shutdown of the modem. Inclination is steady at 1.65 degrees.”
Weather: Again a sunny day with high scattered clouds. During late evening a band of clouds is seen coming in from the S. Temperature between -14°C and –7°C. Wind: 8-15 kn from SSE.
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Tim has groomed a “mountain trail” around the camp with the sofa placed on a scenic spot behind one of the cargo line hills from last year. It is popular to take a late evening walk there.
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