6 August 2009

The end of season is getting closer

Crystal size pictures made by Emilie showing the decrease in crystal size
over the tranisiton from glacial to interglacial ice at a depth of 1419 m.

Crystal size pictures made by Emilie showing the decrease in crystal size over the tranisiton from glacial to interglacial ice at a depth of 1419 m.

We have approximately one week of normal drilling, processing and CFA left, before we need to pack down the equipment. The camp people have started to prepare the shut down of activities in all ways: when should the drillers stop production and start testing some drill parts in preparation for next year? When should the work in the science trench stop, and what should be the program for the CFA lab the last days? While we are planning all this, the work goes on and from the physical properties lab Emilie has measured the decrease of crystal size over the transition (bag 2579 and bag 2580).

What we have done today:

  1. Drilling with the NEEM long drill: 25.76 m. Drillers depth: 1562.79 m.
  2. Logging 23.28 m of core. Logging depth: 1573.59 m.
  3. CFA analysis: Analysis of the hand drilled 5 m core and drilling of additional 2 12 m hand drilled cores.
  4. Processing 28.05 m of core. Processing depth: 1527.35 m (bag 2777).
  5. Building the sauna in the storage garage (garage 3).

Ad 1: Drillers report August 6, 2009:
“A good and routine day for drilling and for the drillers. Inclination continues to improve and is now 1.68 degrees.”

Weather: Again a sunny day with high scattered clouds. Temperatures between -17°C and -7°C. Wind: 8-14 kn from SSE.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Louise and Brandon prepared a fantastic Mexican meal for us last night.

Louise and Brandon prepared a fantastic Mexican meal for us last night.

After dinner we played a Mexican game in the storage garage (garage 3). 
Anne and Christo had prepared a quinada. People were blindfolded and turned round
several times before they were allowed to try to hit the quinada.

After dinner we played a Mexican game in the storage garage (garage 3). Anne and Christo had prepared a quinada. People were blindfolded and turned round several times before they were allowed to try to hit the quinada.


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