Restaurant NEEM - best place in town

Two happy cooks in the NEEM kitchen.
With two cooks in camp, Brandon and Louise, we are truly spoiled. Fantastic meals and several varieties of cakes during the day make life really comfortable in camp. We are 36 in camp, the maximum population this year so there is good use for two cooks. It is a pleasure to enter the main dome and smell all the wonderful creations. A BIG thanks to the two miracle makers!
What we have done today:
1. Drilling with the NEEM long drill: 26.29 m. Drillers depth: 1158.92 m
2. Logging 67.85 m of core. Logging depth 847.05 m
3. CFA analysis: 20.90 m. Depth: 373.45 m.
4. Finished the shelves in the main dome for boots and parca coat
5. Shallow drilling at the air-firn-village. Present depth 8 m. Air pumping
equipment was tested but due to warm temperatures no attempts were made to make
pit studies while waiting for more ice core.
6. Finished the building of the third garage intended for storage
7. Changed the water fixtures in the kitchen sink
Ad.1: Driller’s Report July 15, 2009: “The configuration of the past days began to be unstable today. The drill head was re-tuned giving a stable run as the day closed with a constant pitch of 2.1 mm. A slight modification to the hollow shaft was also made for this final run. We moved the central booster to sit just above the central junction of the hallow shaft, rather than its previous position just below the central junction. With the original booster position no chips would collect in the 70 cm just above the central junction. Otherwise the rest of the chip chamber was usually full in this mode, including occasional packing in the pump itself. In contrast, during this last run with the new booster position the entire upper part of the hallow shaft was packed with chips while the lower part and the pump were relatively clean in comparison.
The redistribution of chips in the chip chamber seems possible, and with both booster positions full chip recovery is achieved unless the pump is packed. We will continue with this on the night shift to learn if it really makes a difference. Inclination has returned to 2.2 degrees during the day. “
Ad. 2. Logging 67m of core at the first 24 hour shift is very good. The core quality is mixed with occasional mall sections of totally smashed ice. The logging depth is 847m where the ice is expected to be very brittle.
Weather: A very warm day with night temperatures between Tuesday and Wednesday no colder than -3 °C and day temperatures up to 0°C. The snow was wet. The night between Wednesday and Thursday the temperatures dropped to -7°C . Wind 8-14 kn from S
FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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