The traverse is back at NEEM

The traverse back at NEEM
The work in camp continues and all are waiting for the traverse to return. Just before lunch Lars’s happy voice is heard in the main dome: “No lunch was served for me on the traverse so I will try the next kitchen”. Lars had finished the GPS measurements by snow mobil and could outrun the heavy traverse train. At 14:00 the whole camp greeted Anders and Sverrir welcome back to camp.
S2 (Mainly used for the European Gas Programs)
No sampling
Processed ice core to bag 150 (depth: 82.50m)
S3 (Mainly used for US Gas Programs)
Program successfully finalized
S4(Mainly for MPI)
Gas pumped at the depths 20.0 and 29.7m
Ice core not saved
What we have done today:
- Continued digging the inclined drill trench. Depth 7m
- The drillers cabin is placed in the drill trench
- Ice core buffer is finished with place for 240 core troughs
- Continued attaching the loose rubber panels on the roof of the main dome
- Cut 2.5 cm water isotope samples and measured ECM on S2 ice cores.
- Firn-gas pumping program successfully continued, including packing
- The traverse arrived at NEEM at 14:00 local
Weather: overcast, -6 - 12 C, wind 12 kn from SW, visibility unlimited
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