27 July 2008
Work continues in camp

Digging the hole in the drill trench wall for the drillers cabin
After a slow Sunday morning work continues in camp. Digging in the trenches, construction of the core buffer, shelves in the dome, final drilling and gas pumping at the firn-gas village…
S2 (Mainly used for the European Gas Programs) No sampling Processed ice core to bag 138 (depth: 75.90m)
S3 (Mainly used for US Gas Programs)
Program successfully finalized
Processed ice core to bag 160 (depth: 88.00m)
S4(Mainly for MPI)
Gas pumped at the depths 5.0m and 10.0m
Ice core not saved
What we have done today:
- Continued digging the inclined drill trench. Depth 5m
- Moved snow on the side of the drill trench where drill cabin is to be
- Built ice core buffer
- Continued attaching the loose rubber panels on the roof of the main dome
- Cut 2.5 cm water isotope samples and measured ECM on S2 and S3 ice cores.
- Firn-gas pumping program successfully continued
- The traverse moved 95km and stayed overnight at waypoint 62, 55 km from NEEM.
Weather: overcast, -6 - 12 C, wind 12 kn from SW, visibility unlimited
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