The cooks snowmelter and sodamachine is installed

Cooks snowmelter under construction.
Camp life went back to normal after a successful flight day yesterday. In the dome a cooks snowmelter was installed with improvised material. When running drink water was ready the sodamachine was brought into the dome to be installed. It turned out that the machine had been in use in Copenhagen and all tubes including a 15l water container was full of water and extract – frozen off course. No wonder it was so heavy! After two man days work all the leaks from frost damage where repaired and the sodamachine ready for use. A rather expensive sodamachine – so we hope it will be eagerly used.
S2 (Mainly used for the European Gas Programs)
Gas pumped at the depths 68.0 and 70.0m
Processed ice core to bag 124 (depth: 68.20m)
S3 (Mainly used for US Gas Programs)
Gas pumped at the depths 73.8m and 75.6m
Processed ice core to bag 136 (depth: 74.80m)
S1 (NEEM main core)
Processed ice core to bag 103 (depth: 56.65m)
What we have done today:
- Finalized floor in drill trench and moved the tower foundation down into the trench
- Found the last Viessmann parts from the cargo that arrived the day before and placed door and window sections in the drillers workshop.
- Made shelves and cooks snowmelter in dome
- Continued the process of moving equipment from garage 1 to garage 2
- Cut 2.5 cm water isotope samples and measured ECM on S1, S2 and S3 ice cores.
- Firn-gas pumping program successfully continued
- The traverse finalized the uploading of goods from NGRIP and they will depart NGRIP early Friday morning.
- The seismometer placed in 2007 is digged out by Trine and the surface patrol. The equipment is buried in 3 m depth.
Ad 8 The seismometer has recorded data from 6. August to 5 October 2007 .
Weather: blue sky snow, -7 - 14 C, wind 23 kn from S, visibility unrestricted
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