The day is spiced with preparations for the flight the next day, Wednesday

Sverrir approaching the nearly buried NGRIP dome.
Besides from the normal work in camp (firn-gas program, ice core processing, drill trench preparations) the movement of equipment from garage 1 to garage 2 starts. The intention is that garage 2 will be the mechanical workshop while garage 1 will be for storage and carpenter workshop. Return pallets are prepared including a pallet with 15 ice core boxes. In the evening Christian Morrell entertained us with the most excellent slide show of his NEEM pictures. Outstanding!

Bo, Valerie and Carina at the finished icebox pallet.
S2 (Mainly used for the European Gas Programs)
Gas pumped at the depths 65.5, 66.9, 68.3 and 69.8m
Processed ice core to bag 102 (depth: 56.10m)
S3 (Mainly used for US Gas Programs)
Gas pumped at the depths 66.0m xx
Processed ice core to bag 120 (depth: 66m)
What we have done today:
- Levelled the drill trench floor and used snow blower to prepare the lowered area for the big central beams.
- Build shelves in main dome
- Started the process of moving equipment from garage 1 to garage 2
- Build retro pallets for mission next day (used elevator to get ice cores boxes up)
- Cut 2.5 cm water isotope samples and measured ECM on S2 and S3 ice cores
- Firn-gas pumping program successfully continued
- The traverse has started the main generator in the buried NGRIP dome. The CAT is checked in the Lucht kastel. Anders has hand drilled a 5.5 m deep ice core.
Weather: high scattered clouds, some drifting snow, -7 - 14 C, wind 22 kn from SE, visibility unrestricted
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